A plan to add a 14-bedroom extension block to the Bulls Head pub in Hale Barns has been given the green light.
Trafford Council has given full approval for the proposals, which will increase the volume of hotel accommodation at the pub from 21 to 35 bedrooms.
The existing block of 21 bedrooms was built in 1995, replacing the former garden centre on the site.
Fredric Robinson Ltd, on behalf of the Wicker Lane pub which dates back to the early 19th century, submitted an earlier plan which was rejected by Trafford Council's planning officer on account of it being "incongruous and over dominant".

However, a reconfigured design drawn up by architects Allison Pike saw the proposed number of bedrooms reduced to 14 and more of the existing pub garden protected.
The new block will be located at the far end of the former bowling green, now used as a beer garden by the Bulls Head.
The existing 76-space car park will be preserved.