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Stutter & Twitch team reveals plans for neighbourhood cafe in Hale

Opened by former musician Ryan Hayes in Stamford Square in 2020, Stutter & Twitch provided a much-needed source of good music and takeaway drinks at a time when many other venues were shut due to Covid.

The team behind the new launch

Stutter & Twitch, the coffee and vinyl records caravan that saved many people's sanity during lockdown, has announced it is opening a new neighbourhood cafe in Hale.

Opened by former musician Ryan Hayes in Stamford Square in 2020, Stutter & Twitch provided a much-needed source of good music and takeaway drinks at a time when many other venues were shut due to Covid.

The Square - rebranded the Not So Secret Garden by the Stamford Quarter - became something of a live entertainment hub, but with the area set to undergo more transformation with the opening of Foundation later this year, Stutter & Twitch departed the town centre for Sale earlier in the summer.

It's not taken long for them to resurface in the Altrincham area, however.

The team has revealed it has taken over the former Hale Coffeeworks unit on Stamford Park Road, opposite the entrance to Stamford Park. Hale Cycleworks will be moving into the basement.

à bloc will be opening in the Hale Cycleworks unit on Stamford Park Road

And in a nod to its long history as a bicycle repair shop, it will be called à bloc, a term that professional cyclists use when a rider is going all out to do their very best.

Explaining the name, Ryan Hayes and Lucy Holt - the team behind the new opening - said: "We’re not cycling pros, but we like that in professional cycling, ‘à bloc’ means when a rider is going all out to do their very best. We think that’s an approach you can apply to hospitality: pulling on all your knowledge, resources and passion to make a great outcome. It means ‘on the block’, which suits our corner location too."

The cafe - which is set to open in mid-September - will serve brunch, coffee, fresh bakes, craft beer, cocktails and more.

Stutter & Twitch enjoyed huge success with its 'Caravan of Love' in Stamford Square

The team added: "Expect premium brunch and lunch offerings, with homemade doughnuts, premium takes on brunch staples, breakfast brioche rolls, and comprehensive lunch offerings as well as occasional evening dining events hosted by guest chefs."

The kitchen will be headed up by former Pico’s (Altrincham Market) supervisor Niamh Molloy.

Local suppliers will be prioritised, with coffee by long-time partners Blossom Coffee Roastery, and bread by Most Bakery.

There will be further local collaborations with plants from Green & Grounded, custom ceramics by Moss Studio Store and uniforms supplied by Uskees.

