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More green space, longer opening hours, better parking: How 1,400 of you would improve Altrincham town centre

More green space, longer opening hours and fewer charity shops: just three of the most popular findings from the questionnaire that is set to form the basis for all Altrincham town centre planning decisions for the next 15 years.

More green space, longer opening hours and fewer charity shops: just three of the most popular findings from the questionnaire that is set to form the basis for all Altrincham town centre planning decisions for the next 15 years.

Other issues to prove popular with respondents included the need for better parking, improved digital technology in the town centre and the transformation of the run-down part of Stamford New Road opposite the Interchamge.

Over a month in October and November, 1,400 people submitted responses to a questionnaire that formed the first phase of consultation for the Neighbourhood Business Plan for Altrincham Town Centre 2015 – 2030.

A draft plan has now been put together by a group of over 90 community volunteers known as the Altrincham Business Neighbourhood Forum, the group formally designated by Trafford Council to undertake the task.

Now, as part of the second stage of the process – which runs from this Thursday until Monday March 23rd – people are invited to provide their opinions on the draft plan via an online questionnaire.

The draft plan and questionnaire can be viewed here.

Top 10 points from Stage 1 questionnaire results (in no particular order)

  • Better quality outlets, fewer charity/pound type shops and the removal of derelict buildings.
  • More independent outlets bringing choice and variety.
  • More open/green space, sitting out areas, sheltered space and better facilities for pedestrians. A clean and tidy town centre.
  • Better facilities including relevant retail outlets for both the younger generation (teens) and for children.
  • For the town centre to become more of a social attraction, a safe, family venue with festivals, arts and cultural activities to attract all age groups. More community space both within buildings and outside, and better leisure facilities.
  • A more focussed town centre with fewer vacancies, more residential and other uses in mixed areas around the retail core to attract visitors to the town. Transform the Stamford New Road frontage across from the interchange to provide a much more welcoming, interesting and active frontage.
  • To build on the success of the Market House and the market, widening its appeal including for young people and families and improving the range and quality of the goods on offer.
  • More cheap, accessible short stay car parking; more free spaces and better provision for town centre workers and those using the interchange.
  • More effective use of digital technology including the provision of a town centre web site, a series of apps promoted by individual retailers and groups of retailers and also providing vital information about the town. Important to advertise and promote ATC much more effectively using all aspects of the media including the social media. Fast free WiFi and charging points are a critical requirement. The development of ‘click & collect’ facilities (and associated easy access car parking) both by individual stores and groups of retailers via appropriate hubs.
  • Develop a safe, early evening economy with shops staying open longer, more eating and drinking facilities and more use of outside space.

Copies of the questionnaire, along with the draft plan and freepost reply envelope, can be picked up at a number of locations across Altrincham (see dates and locations below).

After this stage, residents and businesses will be given the opportunity to vote for or against the plan. If they vote for it, Trafford Council must adopt the plan and use it as the basis for all their town centre planning decisions from 2015 up until 2030.

Chair of the Forum Tony Collier said: “We are delighted to be able to share the draft plan that has been created which sets out a vision for Altrincham town centre up to 2030.

“The response to the first stage of the process last year was fantastic and we are so grateful to all of those people who took the time to share their opinions. This plan takes those views and turns them into draft proposals and now we need to know what the residents and businesses think of those.

“We recognise that this time the information we need from them is more detailed and will involve them reading the draft plan but we hope once again the passion people have to improve Altrincham will shine through and they will be as keen to share their thoughts.”

He added: “We know some people will be disappointed that issues they raised in the first questionnaire are not covered in the draft plan. In most cases, this is because the issues concerned, such as business rate levels for example, are not within the scope of the plan.

“We would like to reassure people that where issues were raised over which we have no say or responsibility, we will pass all comments on to those organisations who are responsible so they can consider what action can be taken.”

Consultation events

Members of the Forum will be at the following locations:

  • Saturday 21st February – Altrincham Waitrose 9.30am – 3.45pm
  • Saturday 28th February – Altrincham Forward’s Offices, Shaws Rd 9am – midday
  • Saturday 28th February – Altrincham Tesco 9am – 4pm
  • Sunday 1st March – Altrincham Market 11am – 3pm
  • Wednesday 4th March – Altrincham Town Hall 6pm – 8pm. Please note, this is a special ‘Design Workshop’ meeting. If you wish to attend, please email and provide your contact information as papers will be circulated in advance of the meeting

