Students from Altrincham College of Arts are taking part in a new initiative which aims to put young people at the forefront of safety issues within their community.
The Trafford Youth Community Support Project is part of the wider Trafford Junior Neighbourhood Watch Project, which works with local schools to educate pupils to take an active role within their community with a view to preventing crime and antisocial behaviour.
Fifteen Year 7 and 14 Year 8 pupils are involved at Altrincham College of Arts, where pupils have created posters and flyers to distribute throughout the Altrincham community.

1,000 flyers were printed and distributed to Altrincham Boys and Girls Grammars, Blessed Thomas Holford and Wellington School, as well as 30 posters.
The college has also emailed the flyer to parents.
The group is now working on t-shirt designs and a cartoon strip, which will also be circulated to the local community and surrounding schools.
Graham Roe, secretary of the Trafford Junior Neighbourhood Watch Project, said: “The aim is to create sound role models in young people who will care about their community and who will want to improve it.

“Life skills, social responsibility and skills of citizenship are all enhanced through issues tackled in the project and, as greater numbers of young people are drawn into it, we expect reductions in crime and antisocial behaviour among young people. Many of them will become ambassadors for their school and community.”
The community support project has been funded with a grant from the Trafford Housing Trust Altrincham Community Panel.