The pupils of St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School have been learning about the Fairtrade Foundation and the difference they make to farmers across the world.
Junior pupils have been visiting the classes in the infants to share their learning and explain to younger children about the importance of supporting Fairtrade suppliers.
The school-wide project culminated in “Fairtrade Friday”, where all 639 pupils, plus staff, enjoyed a Fairtrade break time of bananas and juice.

This was followed by an afternoon tea party where members of the local churches visited school to listen to the choirs and hear about the Fairtrade appeal, with products provided by the local Co-operative store.
A Year 6 pupil said: “After learning about Fairtrade over the last few weeks I feel it is so important to buy Fairtrade products. We have nice things and live in nice surroundings; the farmers who provide us with so much should also be able to enjoy life and have the opportunities that we do.”