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Air ambulance called after female cyclist involved in “hit and run” in Timperley

A female cyclist is understood to have been involved in a hit and run collision on Stockport Road in Timperley this morning.

A female cyclist is understood to have been involved in a hit and run collision on Stockport Road in Timperley this morning.

Several emergency vehicles were called to the scene close to the junction with Wood Lane at around 8am.

An air ambulance was also required and used the fields of Timperley Sports Club to land and take off.

The air ambulance taking off from Timperley Sports Club this morning

There’s no official confirmation yet of the cyclist’s condition but it’s understood her injuries are serious.

The road was closed in both directions for some time to allow police to carry out a thorough forensic investigation of the scene.

A car registration number plate – understood to have been detached from the vehicle involved in the collision – was spotted on the road close to the scene of the incident.

We’ll bring you more news on this incident as soon as we have it.

More pictures from the scene of the incident:

