An Altrincham primary school has been ranked as the leading state primary school in the North West – and the 15th best in the whole of England.
Altrincham C of E Aided Primary School, based on Townfield Road, was listed as 15th in the Sunday Times Top 250 State Primary Schools in England ranking.
The new data is based on the aggregated average scores achieved by children in reading, grammar and maths from Sats exams taken in 2016.
The school pipped Sale-based Park Road Primary, which came 16th, while there were also excellent showings for Stamford Park Junior School (57th) and Bowdon C of E Primary School (59th).
Indeed Altrincham was the only place outside of London to have three schools in the top 60.

Geoff Reyner, Chair of Governors at Altrincham C of E Aided Primary School, said: “This is excellent news and a real boost to all of us at Altrincham C of E. It reflects a huge amount of hard work by all the staff at the school and our wonderful pupils.
“Our belief in nurturing and educating children within the Christian faith is central to our core and this reflects in the harmonious and friendly atmosphere within the school.
“We have a welcoming attitude to all which helps create a relaxed and creative milieu for the children to learn and play as they work towards their next level of schooling. We have always been able to send pupils to both of the highly-rated Altrincham Grammar Schools over the years. We are the top primary school in Trafford and it would seem, the whole of the North West of England – well done to everyone!”
Last year, Altrincham was named as the second best place to raise a family in the whole of the UK.