The Willows Primary School in Timperley enjoyed a day of celebrations to mark its 50th birthday today.
The school has almost doubled in size since opening with 150 pupils on Monday 8th January 1968, with a whole new building opening in 2015.
The children, staff, governors and PTA committee members came together for a special assembly this morning, when the development of the school through the decades was remembered.
This was followed by a celebratory 1960s-style party lunch complete with sausage rolls and cheese and pineapple on sticks.

This afternoon, the children have been taking part in special ‘Golden Activities’ ranging from ‘Golden biscuit decoration’ to ‘Golden willow weaving’.
The school day was rounded off with the whole school community singing ‘Happy Birthday’ and eating cake.
The 50th-year celebrations will continue throughout the year with a grand Jubilee Ball in March and a special Jubilee Summer Fair in June.
Past pupils are invited to get involved – email the school office on for more details.