Altrincham tearoom Sugar Junction has announced its closure after being given notice by its landlord.
The vintage-style tearoom has built up a loyal following since opening on Stamford New Road in June 2016.
But today Sugar Junction has confirmed it would be shutting up shop at 6pm this Saturday as its landlord wanted to redevelop the building.
It added that it will not be seeking an alternative location in Altrincham and will be concentrating instead on its original site in the Northern Quarter.
A statement from owner Alex Watts on the Sugar Junction Facebook page read: “Well we’ve had some bad news. Our landlord has decided that they won’t be renewing our lease, as they want to re-develop the building.
“I guess this is the problem when you sign a short lease and the area is now being re-developed so much.
“Although it doesn’t end immediately, we have decided to call it a day in Altrincham.
“Our Northern Quarter shop will obviously remain open.
“We’ve had such a blast over the years and met so many amazing people.
“It’s crazy to think back, to the survey we did on Facebook asking our guests where we should open our next shop and they picked Altrincham. They were not wrong! It’s filled with lovely people who 99.99999% care about the growth of the area and want to see it thriving. After all a coffee shop is better than an empty shop.
“We will be open until Saturday at 6pm. So stop by this week for a final slice of cake or that French Toast portion.”
Watts asked local businesses to contact him should they have vacancies for the staff who would be losing their jobs as a result.
The news is another blow for Stamford New Road after the recent closure of Eat Kaizen.