Three months ago a tornado-like wind left a trail of destruction when it blew through their street and hit the national news.
But the residents of Elm Road in Hale pulled together to such an extent after July’s extraordinary weather event that on Saturday they secured council permission to close the road and hold a big street party.
It was in the evening of July 19th that a one-in-a-generation wind – heralded by a “massive swirling sound” – tore the roof off one property and caused significant damage to one car and minor damage to another, with tiles blown off a number of other houses on the street.

The damage was soon cleared up, but the “tornado” left its mark in a more lasting way – it brought the neighbours closer together.
“We all decided we wanted to bring the community spirit back to this lovely road,” said one resident, Nicola Sloan-Graham.
And on Saturday, the street secured permission from Trafford Highways to close Elm Road from its junction with Finchley Road to its junction with Ashfield Road.

A total of 60 adults and 25 children attended the party, held between 2pm and 10pm.
“We have been totally blown away by the response,” Sloan-Graham added, appropriately enough.
Food was supplied by local catering firm Herb and Spice, and the party was a triumph and ended with a street disco.

“The best bit of the days was when we closed the road and the children just found their own entertainment, playing team games, football and thoroughly enjoying themselves.”
She added: “We put the community spirit back into the road and are now having another one to celebrate VE Day on May 8th.
“Everyone had a great time – long may our tornado be remembered!”