Altrincham-based Eleanor Reeves provides a self employed Counsellor and Bereavement Support service. She also volunteers with the Bereavement Support team at St Ann’s Hospice in Heald Green.
We caught up with her to find out more about the service she provides.
How did you first get into counselling?
I have always loved working with people of all ages and especially those who need a bit of a helping hand at difficult stages of their lives.
I realised a long time ago, from my own life experiences and those of others, the value of talking through problems and worries, which we all have from time to time. I also became aware how important it is to give time to listen and the difference between listening and really hearing where someone is coming from.
With this interest in mind, I did two counselling qualifications and over time added to these with specific training relating to two areas of special fascination. I enjoyed a career in education, working with children at schools in a mentoring and pastoral role. This also involved getting to know families in a nurturing and supportive capacity, working with them for the benefit of them and their children.

My other main interest, brought about by the loss of a number of close friends and family, is in bereavement support and this I have done for the last 10 years as a volunteer at St Ann’s Hospice with the Bereavement Support Team. I have trained with the hospice on many areas of the grieving process and I enjoy being with individual people on their journey through very difficult times.
How do you work with people?
I offer one-to-one support and space and time to listen. I don’t claim to know all the answers nor would I ever tell anyone what to do or what the solutions are, but by talking and sharing thoughts and feelings enables people to reach their own solutions or at least have a clearer understanding of a way forward.
You may have a specific concern you need to discuss or get out in the open or you may like to talk to someone if you are feeling isolated.
How are you adjusting to the current social distancing restrictions?
Under normal circumstances I work one to one and face to face with people. However, as we know, these are not normal circumstances, although the need for support is just as great as ever, if not more so. In an attempt to provide some kind of support service, I am offering telephone sessions initially and possibly contact via video link where this is appropriate.
What do you charge?
An initial conversation would be free. If, after that we agreed to have further sessions, these would be £20 per hour. A face to face session is usually around one hour, but a telephone one may be slightly shorter.
For an initial chat, call Ellie on 07934 410 325