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Altrincham man’s message to men after chance prostate cancer diagnosis

An Altrincham man is urging men to get checked after only uncovering his own prostate cancer diagnosis by chance. Alan Roebuck was prompted into action after watching late former BBC presenter Bill Turnbull discussing his own diagnosis on television. “I was healthy and had no symptoms, but seeing TV

An Altrincham man is urging men to get checked after only uncovering his own prostate cancer diagnosis by chance.

Alan Roebuck was prompted into action after watching late former BBC presenter Bill Turnbull discussing his own diagnosis on television.

“I was healthy and had no symptoms, but seeing TV’s Bill Turnbull discussing prostate cancer, plus a big nudge from my wife, prompted me to get tested,” said Alan.

“Thank God I did: I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, was successfully treated and I am again living life to the full.”

The 75-year-old is now hoping to inspire others to follow his example.

Official figures show that one in eight men get prostate cancer in their lifetime, and Prostate Cancer UK says that over-45 men, black men, or those with a father or brother who has had the disease, are at an even higher risk.

Alan’s call is being backed by Dr Amal Hashim of Park Medical Practice in Timperley, part of Altrincham Healthcare Alliance PCN.

Dr Hashim said: “Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men and while not always life-threatening, the earlier it’s caught, the higher the chance of successful treatment. We’re urging patients to contact their GP for an initial consultation. It could save your life.”

Dr Hashim said that prostate cancer symptoms include: an increased need to urinate, especially at night; straining while you pee; a weak flow when urinating; and a feeling that your bladder has not fully emptied.

Alan Roebuck with wife Marilyn

She added: “While most men with early prostate cancer don’t have any symptoms, in the UK about 48,600 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year. The message is simple: please contact your GP for a health check now.”

Alan added: “I’d no idea anything was wrong. I was fit, healthy and enjoying retirement: it seemed a bit silly to bother the GP. But I’m glad I listened to my wife, Marilyn, who urged me to ‘just make sure all’s well’ after we heard Bill Turnbull’s experience.”

Alan had a simple blood test which measures the amount of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in the blood and he was referred to The Christie.

Alan was prompted to seek a check by an interview with Bill Turnbull, who died of prostate cancer in August

He said: “I felt absolutely fine before and during the treatment. While the diagnosis was a bit of a shock, the cancer was caught early so I felt very positive that all would be well. And it is.”

Having undergone radiotherapy treatment, the father of two added: “There’s been no trace of the cancer since 2020. I’ve a bit of incontinence but that’s a small price to pay. I’m enjoying family life, cruises, gardening and truly appreciate being alive!

“While celebrity power really helps increase awareness of cancers, I’m just a normal bloke who hopes to inspire someone else to get a check-up. And if that potentially saves a life, it would be wonderful. You can go through life thinking you’re invincible but you could be sitting on a time-bomb. See your GP for peace of mind: it could be a life-saver.”

