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From the Tour de France to Timperley Nursing Home, 89-year-old Peter keeps on riding

He is an inspirational example to anyone who thinks they are too old to get on their bike for an exercise session. At the age of 89 Peter Hesham’s days of riding Tour de France stages may be behind him but in the two years he has lived at Timperley Nursing Home, in Mainwood Road, […]

He is an inspirational example to anyone who thinks they are too old to get on their bike for an exercise session.

At the age of 89 Peter Hesham’s days of riding Tour de France stages may be behind him but in the two years he has lived at Timperley Nursing Home, in Mainwood Road, Timperley, he has become a familiar sight on his stationary bike.

His enthusiasm even encouraged staff and fellow residents at the Kingsley Healthcare run home to join him on an indoor cycle marathon to raise funds for the Alzheimer’s Society.

Peter, a retired management accountant from Sale, led the way himself by cycling 10 miles in three stints during the three-day event.

Peter began cycling as a teenager and fulfilled his ambition of cycling a stage of the Tour de France in his 70s

The Timperley team is now planning a repeat cycling marathon and Peter is sure to be first on to the saddle.

Care home manager Nishi Gottlieb said: “Dignity in care is so important and we love doing things that bring staff and residents together.

“At Timperley, we are passionate about person-centred care and encouraging people to carry on doing the things they love. The emphasis is on what they can still do rather than what they can’t.”

Peter, who has three children and six grandchildren, began cycling as a teenager and his daughter Jane Larder said it had been one of his big passions “along with my mum Jean, playing the piano and his beloved Manchester City”.

Peter is now a resident at Timperley Nursing Home

She said: “When my mum went on holiday to Wales with her family, before they were married, he missed her so much he cycled to see her from Manchester.

“His job took him to many places in the world, including Uganda and Ghana in Africa, and he even managed to get in some cycling on these trips.”

He was in his 70s when he finally got to fulfil his ambition of completing a stage of the Tour de France, she added.

Mrs Larder said: “I am very happy with Timperley Care Home, it is the best place for my Dad. Staff are great with him.”

For information about Timperley Nursing Home, call the manager on 01618 851388 or visit the website.

