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Altrincham Grammar School for Girls pupil named Mayor's Cadet of the Year

She will accompany Cllr Amy Whyte, Trafford Council Mayor, at Armed Forces-related events across the borough.

An Altrincham Grammar School for Girls pupil has been named the Mayor's Cadet of the Year for 2024-25.

Sofia Keefe, 15, was selected for this year’s honour from a group of cadets across Trafford.

A Leading Cadet in the Trafford Sea Cadets and a pupil at Altrincham Grammar School for Girls, Sofia will now accompany Cllr Amy Whyte, Trafford Council Mayor, at Armed Forces-related events across the borough.

Her first engagement will be Battle of Britain Day on September 15th at Sale Town Hall.

Sofia said: “This is amazing news and I am honoured and privileged to be named the Mayor’s Cadet of Trafford for 2024/2025.

Sofia Keefe, the new Mayor's Cadet of the Year

"I am excited to see what opportunities this will bring me and to represent all Trafford Cadets alongside The Mayor. The next 12 months are going to be fantastic and I can’t wait to start.”

Sofia’s Detachment Commander Petty Officer, Mr Stuart Hurlston, said: “Sofia is a superb cadet, of the highest calibre, and I am not one bit surprised that she has been chosen as this year’s Mayor’s Cadet of the Year.

"Well done Sofia, you really deserve this and I am confident you will do a brilliant job in your new role.”

The Mayor, who helped select Sofia as her Cadet of the Year, said: “Sofia is a hardworking, dedicated young woman and nothing seems to stop her achieving her many goals in life. Her family must be so very proud. I will be very happy to have her by my side as I carry out my Mayoral duties.”

Sofia takes over from Cpl Madison Grace, whose term as Mayor’s Cadet of the Year saw her involved in the Battle of Britain anniversary in Normandy.

