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Police to step up action against parents who flout driving rules close to local schools

Trafford Council and Greater Manchester Police have received complaints about some drivers' behaviour outside primary schools.

Police are to step up action against people who block driveways, drive dangerously or park on double yellow lines close to local schools.

Trafford Council and Greater Manchester Police have received complaints about some drivers' behaviour outside primary schools during drop off and pick up times.

Officers from GMP have already written to parents to remind them of their responsibility regarding parking.

And now drivers who continue to flout the rules could be issued with a Section 59 Warning – and after two section 59s this could result in the seizure of the offending vehicle.

To increase safety further, a number of School Streets projects have been put in place across Trafford to close vehicle access to schools for the start and end of day peak times.

Police say that drivers who continue to flout the rules could be issued with a Section 59 Warning

Trafford Council is committed to bringing in more School Street locations and need the support of parents to make this work.

Cllr Aidan Williams, Trafford Council’s Executive Member for Climate Change, said: “The safety of schoolchildren is clearly a top priority and we will not sit back and do nothing. Working with Greater Manchester Police, we will not hesitate to take action against those drivers who continue to break the law and put children at risk.

“Please do not drive dangerously and park illegally outside schools in our borough.”

