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Events give more information about £750m plan to build 2,500 homes and a park on Timperley Wedge

The huge scheme is known as Davenport Green.

Information about a £750m plan to build 2,500 new homes, 60,000 sq m of employment space and a new rural park on the Timperley Wedge are being provided at two exhibition events.

The events, which are taking place at Bowdon Rugby Club today at 3.30-8pm and again on Tuesday 17th September from 3.30pm to 8pm, will give residents the chance to ask questions about the major scheme, which has been branded Davenport Green.

They are being held by Royal London Asset Management, the principal landowner within the Timperley Wedge area.

A visual illustrating the plans for Timperley Wedge

The 558-acre site has been allocated for release from the Green Belt under the Places for Everyone spatial strategy, Greater Manchester’s long-term development plan.

The masterplan for the site includes the delivery of around 2,500 high-quality new homes - around 45% of which would be affordable - 60,000 sq m of employment space and a new rural park, the largest to be provided within Greater Manchester in a generation.

The investment around the proposals includes £100 million of new infrastructure and facilities including enhanced primary education provision, a new local centre, community play facilities and a Metrolink extension with a stop at Wythenshawe Hospital.

A map showing the Timperley Wedge site

Manor Farm would be protected under the plans and there would be moves to relocate Bowdon Rugby Club.

Trafford Council said the ambition for the masterplan was to offer "a new kind of urban environment, defined by its green landscape - reflecting, protecting and respecting the existing natural environment".

Councillor Liz Patel, Executive Member for Economy and Regeneration at Trafford Council, commented: “Thank you to everyone who has already given their views on the proposals for Davenport Green.

"These events are an opportunity to find out more about the plans, and ask any questions you might have. The plan for Davenport Green is ambitious: and if approved will develop a whole new community for Trafford.

"It’s really important that you make your voice heard, so don’t miss this opportunity to have your say.”

The consultation will run until Friday 20th September, and residents are encouraged to submit any feedback they have on the proposals before then.

