Headteacher Jane Beever is calling on former pupils of Loreto Grammar to join her for a special afternoon tea at this year’s Open Day.
Mrs Beever will be hosting the reunion for alumnae of the Altrincham school on Saturday 29th June, between 1.30pm and 3.30pm.
It will have particular significance this year as she will be announcing details of a new “Where are they now?” initiative ahead of the 115th anniversary of the school’s foundation in Altrincham.
Mrs Beever, who became headteacher at Loreto in 2006, says the school’s alumnae play a significant role in inspiring the pupils of today.
“It’s about opening children's eyes to the possibilities of what they can do in their lives,” she said.
“I’ve already had some fantastic responses from former pupils telling me where they’re up to and how Loreto has shaped them.
“We have one ex-pupil who works at NASA and was part of the team working on a recent mission to Mars.”

Mrs Beever said that she wanted to use former pupils’ stories to help them when they think about career options.
“It’s the notion of inspiring the current girls and fostering that sense of continuity,” she added.
Founded by the Sisters of Loreto in 1909, Loreto was last year judged by Ofsted to be Outstanding overall, and in each of the five individual categories.
The school has also recently appointed a new head girl leadership team.
A total of 57 pupils applied to be on the team, and following a round of hustings and then a democratic vote involving all sixth formers and staff, Niamh was elected head girl.

She said: “This community extends far beyond the walls that surround me; it means being part of a vast history and international sisterhood that stretches to every corner of the globe.
“Thus, it is my greatest achievement to be appointed the role of head girl. Over the next year, my team and I have decided that community, change and care will be at the core of every project we undertake. These values have stood out to us during our time at this school, defining what makes Loreto the school it is today.”
During her year, Niamh will be raising funds for the Manchester Foundation Trust Charity.
Peace, Ella and Elizabeth were named as the deputy head girls.
Any alumnae wishing to attend the Alumnae Tea and Cakes on Saturday 29th June should email alumnae@loretogrammar.co.uk to confirm attendance.