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Welcome to the new Altrincham Today website

We hope you like the facelift but we'd also like to draw your attention to some particular features which we believe make it a considerable upgrade on our previous site.

Welcome to the newly redesigned Altrincham Today website.

We hope you like the facelift but we'd also like to draw your attention to some particular features which we believe make it a considerable upgrade on our previous site.

It's much faster

You'll have noticed that many local news sites are packed to the rafters with advertising these days. This naturally impacts significantly on user experience. While we have always tried to balance the two in favour of a better user experience, the nature of programmatic advertising platforms means that it is not always easy to control which ads show where. While this new site will still have some digital advertising, we've taken the decison to build it in a way that will preserve a far superior reading experience.

It's a one-stop shop for our content

The recent launch of Threads has emphasised the array of different social platforms available now, and the different ways you can distribute content as a publisher. It can be slightly exhausting to keep up. With this new site, we've taken the decision to ensure that the vast majority of our content will be available here, as a hub for all our different types of content.

We're now a newsletter-first publisher

We have published newsletters previously, especially during the pandemic, but the frequency has been haphazard to say the least. With this site, we are transforming to a newsletter-first publisher. Instead of bombarding you with advertising, as many local publishers do, we are now simply requesting that you subscribe to our news service. You'll two options: a weekly digest of our posts, or the option to receive an email every time we post. In time, we will also be introducing some registration-only content, but we'd like to emphasise that we will never introduce a paywall and start charging for content. So if you haven't already (and if you previously subscribed to our newsletter you will automatically have been subscribed to our new newsletter), please do so here.

You can read the magazine online

We have published an acclaimed print magazine for the past six years, but we have never made it available online. With this redesign, that all changes. For the first time ever, we are making the most recent edition of our magazine available to read online. We're still passionate believers in the power and effectiveness of print, and will not make the magazine available online until a few weeks after publication, but we're sure this will prove a popular move for those readers who do not live locally or cannot get to one of our stockists.

We're more joined up, online and in print

Readers with a keen eye will have noticed that, after several years, we have updated our branding. This is to ensure that across our website, social channels and print magazine, we have a degree more consistency from a brand perspective. Later this year we will be launching a brand new site which will sit within these same guidelines - more details on that soon!

As ever, we'd love to hear your feedback - please email

