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Altrincham’s float spa enjoys buoyant start after £280,000 investment

The new state-of-the-art float spa in Altrincham is off to a strong start and the owners are already “exploring opportunities to expand.”

The new state-of-the-art float spa in Altrincham says it has enjoyed a “fantastic” first few months and the owners are already exploring opportunities to expand.

Zero Gravity, on Stamford New Road, opened three months ago after receiving an investment of £280,000.

Wirral-based Bathgate Business Finance secured the initial £100,000 which paid for the four state-of-the-art tanks, MSIF organised four working capital loans totalling £120,000 to help build the spa, and retired surgeon Graeme Poston invested a further £60,000.

The spa offers a form of relaxation therapy popular in America where customers float in a pitch-black tank full of salty water.

Chief Operations Officer Simon Preedy in one of the tanks

The four-tank facility is the largest in the UK outside of London and one of only two spas of its kind in the North West.

The spa was the brainchild of co-director and chief operations officer, Simon Preedy, a former massage therapist who turned to float therapy to help manage his own anxiety and sleeping problems.

He floated the idea for the business with co-director Graeme Poston, a retired surgeon and former client, after recommending he try floating to reduce neck pain, who invested a further £60,000 in the business.

Poston added: “I wasn’t initially convinced as I had never heard of float spas before, but once I tried it I was a convert.”

“I discovered there were so few float tanks outside London that I could see a real opportunity in helping Simon to bring a high-quality, multi-tank spa to the North West.”

Left to right: Technical Director at Zero Gravity Chris Henson, Graeme Poston, Gordon Anders from Bathgate, and Simon Preedy

Preedy said: “Thanks to Bathgate and MSIF, the business is off to a flying start. We are already recruiting new team members to cope with customer demand and exploring opportunities to expand either in our current location or by opening other sites in the North West.”

Read our review of Zero Gravity here.

