A 95-year-old resident of a Hale Barns care home has completed a 10-mile charity walk, raising over £3,000 for the NHS.
Donald Baird, a resident at Sunrise of Hale Barns, started doing laps of the home’s gardens when the coronavirus lockdown meant he was unable to take a daily walk into the village.
After a suggestion from the Sunrise team, Donald set himself a target to walk 10 miles in just five days.
With a fitness app to track his steps, he worked out he needed to complete 20 garden laps per day to reach his 10-mile target.

He has so far raised over £3,000, walking 10 each morning and 10 each evening.
Donald said: “I was very overwhelmed by all the support I received and was most surprised that I raised that amount of money. I felt a sense of achievement after I had done it but I think I will go back to doing just a few laps a day for now.”
Sharon Parkes, Director of Community Relations at Sunrise of Hale Barns, added: “I decided to see if Donald would like to embark on this challenge because we as a community wanted to give something back to the NHS and I also felt it would give Donald a focus during lockdown.
“I put the benchmark at just £300 on ‘Just Giving’ so was overwhelmed with the final amount. We would like to thank everyone who donated and supported Donald, it gave him an immense sense of pride and achievement.”
You can support Donald’s achievement here.