A councillor is calling on businesses and residents in Timperley to help the village have a full show of Christmas lights this year.
It costs just over £3,800 to put the festive lights up around Costa Coffee, Charles Court, the Stonemasons and the run of shops by Little Italy on Stockport Road.
But after a benefactor who had financially supported the lights in previous years decided to divert their funds elsewhere this year, there is currently only £2,600 available in the pot.

Unlike Altrincham and Hale, Timperley’s lights are not installed by Trafford Council.
Businesses in Altrincham town centre do however pay for their Christmas lights through the BID levy, while Hale businesses are also involved in paying for the lights in their village.
And Cllr Nathan Evans, Timperley ward councillor, said installing Christmas lights in the village was important because “it gives the whole place a lift”.
He added: “It would be very easy to ignore it but it brings people into the village and anything that does that is a good thing.”

This year, a special event heralding the start of Christmas in the village will be held in the beer garden at the Stonemasons.
Timperley Welcomes Christmas will take place on November 29th at 4pm.
To donate to Timperley Christmas lights fund, see this crowdfunding page.