A group ‘Slow Ride’ bike ride will be taking place later this month to highlight Altrincam BID’s ‘Active Altrincham’ campaign.
The ride, which takes place on Sunday 18th September, is open to all riders and is sponsored by McHale & Co Solicitors’ Two Wheel Claims sub-division.
It’ll be led by experienced riders and mechanics from The Bicycle Society and Stamford Cycle Co and will take in a route from the town centre to the Trans Pennine Trail and back, via the Grand Union Canal.
Rob Reed, from The Bicycle Society, said: “This is a fantastic opportunity to get all the family out on their bikes.
“We will bring all tools required for everyone to enjoy the ride! The ride will be a slow, gentle pace designed to cater for the less experienced riders and families. The route is 10 miles, however, with regular stops and at a slow pace, it will feel a lot easier.”

Adam Horner, from Two Wheel Claims, added: ”As well as acting on behalf of two wheel riders we also support various cycle safety and training initiatives in schools, along with our Cycle of Life Project where we ask for donations of unwanted bikes which we collect, clean and repair if necessary. We then deliver the bikes to worthy nominees or charities.
“We loved the idea of a guided bike ride for the local community and were keen to support the initiative.”
The ‘Slow Ride’ route will be on flat and low-traffic roads, and all attendees must be able to cycle independently.
Ride leaders will do the majority of communication with cars and lead the way. Riders must have a roadworthy bike, pumped up tyres, working brakes and a cycle helmet.
Mandy White, from Altrincham BID, added: “This is one of the key events in Altrincham BID’s Active Travel campaign which runs throughout September.
“We were keen to highlight everything that already happens in our town to support active travel, health and fitness as well as promoting new initiatives like the ‘Slow Ride’ which we hope will become a regular feature in the summer months.
Places are available via Eventbrite.co.uk or if you would like more information, email: rob@thebicyclesociety.co.uk.