An inspirational banner painted by primary school children at Loreto Preparatory School in Altrincham will adorn the G7 Conference in Ise Shima in Japan at the end of the month.
World leaders including Barack Obama, Angela Merkel and David Cameron will view the exhibition of artwork from children from all over the world.
The banner will then be part of a touring exhibition that will travel the globe, before returning to Tokyo in 2020 to be part of the summer Olympic celebrations.
The Loreto banner features the seven values of Loreto’s foundress Mary Ward – Sincerity, Truth, Justice, Internationality, Freedom, Joy and Excellence.
Loreto was one of only five British schools asked by the Japanese representative to the British Council, Nori Kojiso Kita, to contribute original artwork.

Teresa Welsh, Loreto’s art coordinator, said: “All seven classes in the school from the three-year-olds in the Early Years Fondation Stage up to our Year Six classes contributed a section and we are all delighted with the finished result.”
Loreto Prep School headmistress Helen Norwood added: “Mary Ward’s values are timeless and we feel represent the best hope for humanity. We believe that the world leaders, whatever their faith, will empathise with our young children’s work and hopefully be inspired to work for the common good.”
The children chose a tree of life for sincerity; handprints for truth; doves for justice, a globe for internationality; butterflies for freedom, children at play for joy and human figures for excellence to represent their own values.