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Timperley pupils given a legal lesson to remember from Judge Rinder

Pupils at Forest Preparatory School in Timperley were visited by Robert Rinder – better known as TV celebrity Judge Rinder – yesterday.

Pupils at Forest Preparatory School in Timperley were visited by Robert Rinder – better known as TV celebrity Judge Rinder – yesterday.

Rinder, who also had a starring role in the recent series of Strictly Come Dancing, took part in a mock trial in a Year 3 classroom to show the children how the legal system works.

Deputy headteacher Graeme Booth said: “As part of their PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) lessons, Year 3 have been learning that we are a democracy and everyone has rights as citizens of the UK.”

Judge Rinder in his class courtroom at Forest Prep yesterday
Judge Rinder in his class courtroom at Forest Prep yesterday

The visit was organised by the School’s Year 3 class teacher, Mrs Eley, who presented Judge Rinder with a scenario based on a consumer purchasing a faulty electrical product.

Mrs Eley said: “We were delighted that Judge Rinder could take time out of his busy schedule to visit us and teach the children more about the legal justice system.

Year 3 pupils were involved in the mock court case with Judge Rinder
Year 3 pupils were involved in the mock court case with Judge Rinder

“After the mock trial, he took part in a question and answer session and was very impressed with the children.”

Judge Rinder, a criminal law barrister, films his ITV show at MediaCityUK in Salford.

Mrs Eley added: “We wish Judge Rinder all the best in his future career and on behalf of all the staff and pupils would like to thank him for coming in!”

Forest Prep's Year 3 pupils with Judge Rinder
Forest Prep’s Year 3 pupils with Judge Rinder

