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Timperley mum who made desperate plea for funding loses cancer battle

A Timperley mum who made a desperate plea for funds to enable her to undergo specialist treatment has lost her battle with cancer.

A Timperley mum who made a desperate plea for funds to enable her to undergo specialist treatment has lost her battle with cancer.

Alison Rolfe was diagnosed with small bowel cancer in October 2015 after suffering chronic symptoms for several years, and believed her condition could have been diagnosed earlier had it not been confused with irritable bowel syndrome.

After being diagnosed with a second tumour, she appealed through Altrincham Today for financial help to allow her to undergo specialist treatment in Germany.

Alison Rolfe died after battling small bowel cancer

The appeal raised £28,600, but Alison’s condition deteriorated to the extent she was unable to travel to receive the treatment she had wanted.

Her family have now sadly informed us that Alison, who was 51, died on Thursday July 13th. She leaves husband Darren and two children, Liam and Chelsea.

Alison’s funeral will be held at Altrincham Crematorium at 3.30pm on Thursday 3rd August, with a wake at Bowdon Rugby Club afterwards.

The Timperley mum worked as a sales administrator

Her daughter, Chelsea, has asked for “Alison’s friends and family from near and far” to come and celebrate her mother’s life and share cherished memories. The dress code will be “cheerful”.

Alexander Young, partner to Alison’s nephew, said Alison had been “incredibly touched” by the reaction to her appeal in Altrincham Today and thanked “the people of Altrincham for their generosity and kindness in her greatest time of need”.

