The past two years have been a marathon for everybody, with some really badly affected by personal struggles, says Altrincham Market operator Jen Thompson.
We have sought to celebrate some of those people who mattered to Alty Market and to whom Alty Market mattered and to offer our thanks to those involved behind the scenes with a range of cards designed by Zac ‘Chalky’ Crompton.
Our range of cards represent different aspects of the market, its traders, staff, friends and you lovely customers who keep us alive and in fine fettle. We’re also raising some cash for those charities that mattered or cared for the people we’re celebrating.
Our cards have been illustrated by our friends, artists and illustrators Theresa Reilly-Cooper (above), Finn Johnson and Zac Crompton. The cards are available to buy in Market House individually at £2.50 or in packs of six for £12.

We can post them out to you or call in and pick yourself up a collection from the coffee shop. Email to order.
100% of the proceeds will go to the charities represented.
Motor Neurone Disease Association
In memory of Dr Andy Fowell (May 1955 – Sep 2021), father of Rich Fowell, co-owner of Jack-in-the-Box. Andy was a trustee for the The Motor Neurone Disease Association and spent many years setting up palliative care for those with MND. He tragically died in a cycling accident in his beloved Snowdonia.
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
In memory of Tommy ‘The Fish’ McLoughlin – Alty Market’s Fishmonger (Oct 1959 – Jul 2021). Tommy, proprietor of Taylors Fish, was a warm and generous man who made being, human. He was diagnosed with cancer in 2015 and was treated successfully by the amazing people at Christies. Father to his own three children and husband to Julia all who hope to continue raising funds for Christies.

Reverse Rett
In memory of Kate Thompson (Jan 1935 – Dec 2020) Kate, was an Alty Market regular and loving grandma who cared daily for her four granddaughters and none more than Kitt Johnson, her youngest, suffering a rare genetic condition Rett Syndrome. Kate worked tirelessly with Kitt who has no speech – a perfect pairing as Kate was profoundly deaf from a young age.
Eat Well Manchester
We’ve been providing pizzas and food each week since the beginning of the pandemic. Between Honest Crust and Little Window we’ve provided about 3,000 meals to the people in food poverty that Eat Well seeks to feed with delicious and nutritious food cooked by chefs in their collective of Manchester hospitality businesses. Sponsored by Rich Carver, founder of Honest Crust and Little Window.

The Homeless Project, Manchester
A group of volunteers whose objective is to help any homeless person we find living on the ‘walkabout route’ we take in the city centre. We have been operating under our own steam for nearly 10 years. We depend and survive on donations from the public and various supermarket chains to help us clothe and feed those unfortunates we meet living on the streets. Sponsored by Don Grant, Resident Alty Market Artist.

Manchester Dogs Home
When I started B&V I knew I wanted to try and give back to those doggos who might not have the best start in life, with our charity treats and through workshops and events run with Alty Market we’ve been able to do that. Our donations throughout the year have been for the Manchester and Cheshire dogs homes, and we thank everyone who’s donated past, present and future because dogs are part of our families and in our hearts always. Sponsored by Rob Benson, founder of Alty Market’s B&V Trading.
The Shine Bright Foundation
In memory of Rochelle Silverstein (Oct 1990 – Sep 2021). Shell had a passion for the North West’s independent hospitality scene coupled with a determination, grit and positivity which meant she touched the hearts of so many. In a search of alternative treatments she found a source of calm at the holistic Shine Bright Foundation. Our friend died, aged 30, having been diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in 2020. Sponsored by Matt Walsh, co-founder of Tender Cow.

Leisure For Autism
Parents of children with autism often struggle to take their children out in the community as the disability means they can become completely overwhelmed. Leisure For Autism provides fun supported safe days out for autistic young people. Tom Graham, who works with us in Market House and his brothers Teddy and Jack, have enjoyed many days out with the team at Leisure for Autism.
Photos: Claire Harrison