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A man has been found guilty of murdering a 31-year-old man in Goose Green in Altrincham last year.

Liam O’Pray, 22, was convicted at Manchester Crown Court of murdering Rico Burton, the cousin of world heavyweight boxing champion Tyson Fury.

The court that O’Pray used a seven-inch knife to completely sever a major artery in Mr Burton’s neck during a bar brawl.

O'Pray, of Salford, had denied murder during the trial but was found guilty by a jury of seven women and five men after three-and-a-half hours of deliberations following a three-week trial.

Liam O'Pray was found guilty of murder

Relatives of Mr Burton shouted "yes" as the guilty verdict was delivered.

O'Pray, who made no reaction in the dock, was also found guilty of wounding with intent by slashing and stabbing Harvey Reilly, who was 17 at the time and now 18, during the same incident on August 22nd last year.

Jurors heard that shortly after 3am,"absolute chaos" broke out after O'Pray's friend, Malachi Hewitt-Brown, was punched by Mr Burton's cousin, Chasiah Burton.

Soon after, O'Pray struck the fatal blow with the knife to the left side of Rico Burton's neck.

Jurors heard that O'Pray had a previous conviction for having a knife in public in 2019, but he claimed to be "not a violent person."

Nicola Carter, senior crown prosecutor for the North West, said this case was "yet another example of the fatal consequences of carrying knives".

She added: "I can only hope that knowing O'Pray has been brought to justice will provide some comfort to their family and friends. My thoughts are with them."

Judge Alan Conrad KC will sentence O’Pray on August 4th, but the defendant is facing a mandatory life sentence for murder.

