A call by local headteachers for a new pedestrian crossing on Oakfield Road has been backed by Altrincham’s Green Party councillors.
Blessed Thomas Holford (BTH) Catholic College head John Cornally said last week that “significant changes” at the crossing close to Altrincham Leisure Centre after a Year 8 student received serious head injuries in a collision with a Range Rover. There’s been no further update on her condition since.
The headteacher of St Vincent’s Catholic Primary school, Anita Harrop, gave her support for the safety measures too.
It’s subsequently been confirmed by Trafford Council that a school crossing patrol officer has been on sick leave from the crossing since March 8th, and they have been unable to find cover.

Now Geraldine Coggins, Green Party councillor for Altrincham, said it was now time to bring in a “proper” crossing.
She said: “Our thoughts are with the young person, her family, friends, the school community and all affected. Understandably local people are very concerned, and are asking for the crossing patrol to be restored or for a permanent crossing nearby.”
“Although we and the local schools have been asking for months, the council say they haven’t been able to replace the lollipop person on this busy road. A proper crossing would make it safer to cross at all times, not just during the school run.
“Injuries from road crashes are not inevitable. The council must design safe streets that limit the chances of serious injuries. Oakfield Road is a busy road, with schools, homes, shops and the leisure centre nearby. It needs to change to create more, safer crossings, and to reduce traffic speed.”

Trafford’s Green Party councillors said they were also concerned at the lack of lollipop people at several other crossing patrols across the borough.
Jane Leicester, Green Party councillor for Hale Central, said: “Every missing lollipop patrol means that there are young people in greater danger. The council needs to do more to find suitable applicants, or find other ways of making our streets safer.”
Trafford’s Green councillors are calling on the council to follow other cities in the UK and around the world in adopting an ambitious target to eliminate serious road injuries by 2040.
The ‘Vision Zero’1 approach calls for better road and junction design, lower speeds and stricter enforcement of standards to make our roads safer.
Leicester added: “Trafford’s road casualty statistics have barely improved for over a decade. Vision Zero provides the initiative we need to start making our streets safer again, particularly for some of our most vulnerable road users, our children.”