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Royal Academy of Arts president visits Hale gallery to unveil exhibition

A Hale art gallery is playing host to a prestigious exhibition by Christopher Le Brun, the President of the Royal Academy of Arts.

A Hale art gallery is playing host to a prestigious exhibition by Christopher Le Brun, the President of the Royal Academy of Arts.

The exhibition, at the Atelier Rose and Gray Gallery on Cambridge Road, is entitled “Colour”, and it’s the first time Christopher has taken over a gallery outside of London.

“It’s a real scoop for the gallery. We are very lucky to have the chance to exhibit his work – Christopher has brought sculptures, handmade woodcuts, watercolours, and oil paintings,” said Chris Brooks, who runs the Atelier Rose and Gray gallery with his partner, Allison Kelly.

Christopher Le Brun during his talk at the gallery on Saturday
Christopher Le Brun during his talk at the gallery on Saturday

“I think it is very important to take my art so that people outside London can see it, and it’s vital that the work of galleries like Atelier Rose and Gray are recognised for their bold initiatives, and imagination,” said Christopher, when he addressed a small gathering on Saturday.

“I’ve called the exhibition ‘Colour’ and it’s the perfect gallery to show my work, there’s so much space and light, and is right in the heart of Hale village,” says Christopher.

One of Christopher Le Brun's works on display in the gallery
One of Christopher Le Brun’s works on display in the gallery

The exhibition contains new works, and pride of place is a work on oil on canvas called Roma Amor that has a list price of £96,000.

The exhibition runs from March 5th to May 7th. For more information contact

